How Long Does a Can of Formula Last – 2024 Guide

I know that having a firstborn is a challenging period of your life. You are still at the learning stage and have no clue what to do with your baby. You want to be a perfect parent but still manage to make so many mistakes. Most of these mistakes occur when you are trying to prepare a bottle of formula for your baby. And more so, when you are out purchasing a can of formula for your baby and don’t know for how long it will last.

Being a Pediatrician, I get loads of questions on a daily basis about the formulas to feed your baby. Amongst all others, the most repeatedly asked question is how long a can of formula lasts. So, I decided to assemble all the knowledge I have and explain it here in writing so that the people who can not afford to consult a pediatrician can get all the information they need. So without wasting any more of your precious time, I am about to get down to business!

How Long Does a Can of Formula Last?

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You must have heard scary stories about infants dying of the Cronobater virus. This virus basically inhabits baby formulas. This virus can be fatal to an infant’s life, so you need to be very careful with properly storing the formula, whether prepared or unprepared.

Powdered Formula

Now, moving on to the consistency of the formula. In the case of a powdered formula can, you can store it for about a month once opened but not more than that. An unopened can of powdered baby formula can be stored for as long as the expiry date allows. This is the reason why you shouldn’t get bigger cans of baby formula. The recommended size is a 24 oz can.

Concentrated Liquid Formula

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A concentrated liquid formula, once opened, can last for about forty-eight hours with good refrigeration. You must be very careful with storing the formula, especially in humid areas. In this case, you are again recommended to buy a smaller can which you are hundred percent sure to use in the next forty-eight hours.

Prepared Formula

Once you prepare the formula, things get more critical. Now, you can only store the bottle of prepared formula for twenty-four hours, and that too with excellent refrigeration. If you leave the bottle of prepared formula unattended, you will notice the formula getting spoiled within an hour. This spoiled formula can have an adverse effect on your baby’s life, so always be careful with properly storing it.


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How many bottles do you get out of a can of formula?

The number of bottles you can get out of baby formula can depend upon the size of the can and the quantity of formula in it. For instance, a single can of 6 oz gives about fifteen bottles. It is a rough estimate to help you evaluate the size of the can you should get. The greater the need, the bigger the can you should get. However, keep in mind that a single can of baby formula can last for about a month before it gets spoiled.

How long does a 24 oz can of formula last?

You can expect to get 140 oz of fully prepared baby formula out of a 24 oz can. The rest depends upon the serving size and the intervals after which your baby takes formula. But on average, a baby consumes about 24 oz of baby formula per day, based on which it is safe to conclude that a 24 oz can of formula can last for about five to six days at most.

How many cans of formula does a newborn need in a month?

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A newborn baby doesn’t consume too much formula, especially if you are nursing your baby as well. A newborn baby of zero to two months old drinks a single 12.5 oz can of formula in three to four days in case you breastfeed the baby too. However, if the baby does not breastfeed then, the same can last for only two to three days. On average, a baby consumes thirteen to fourteen cans of formula. More so if you are not nursing the baby.

How long does a 32 oz can of formula last?

It all depends upon the consistency of the formula you are talking about. For instance, you can use a powdered baby formula can for about a month before it gets spoiled or unfit for the baby’s consumption. On the other hand, a fully prepared bottle of formula can be refrigerated for about twenty-four hours. Apart from that, if you use a concentrated liquid formula, you are advised to consume the can within forty-eight hours of opening the can.

How long do unopened cans of formula last?

This is a trick question because you pick a can from a grocery store most of the time without checking the expiration date. Such expired cans are unfit for consumption on the date you purchase it. So, before you get a can of formula, always check the expiration date. You can store an unopened can of formula at home for as long as the expiration date allows.

Final Thoughts

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Assuming that you read the information enfolded in my article very carefully, I now declare you fully informed on how long a can of formula lasts. It depends upon the size of the can and the quantity of the formula your baby consumes per day. It also relies on the consistency of the formula you use. A powdered can of formula can last for about a month once opened and as long as the expiry date allows if the can is unopened. Whereas a concentrated liquid baby formula lasts for just forty-eight hours once opened.